
	Where do birds fly to?
	Where do rabbits run to?
	Where do I jump to?
	to see your beautiful smile.

	Why did sheep go back?
	Why did horses rest in the wood?
	Why did I stop walking?
	because you are not there.

	Why can I talk to you?
	to the angel everyone loves?
	so happy with just a grance
	Ah, wish I could see you forever

	While I'm drowning in the sea
	While I'm working so hard
	While I'm in the deep regret
	I can be happy when thinking of you

	How can I last this happiness?
	nothing is more precious than you
	bright diamond in my heart
	I don't wanna miss you anymore

Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998
Copyright 1998 by Cazou ACID Sanada, All Rights Reserved.